Saturday 18 March 2017

Task 7

Task 7 - Audience and cinema going statistics

What days to audiences go to the cinema?
The most common day for young people to go to the cinema is on Friday nights, this is because it's the beginning of the weekend and most people have had a full week of work or school and therefore want some time to schedule in leisure activities before the weekend or part time jobs on Saturdays.

What are the most popular genres?
 Action was the most popular genre among UK Cinema goers taking 30% of box office, the top earning action film was Spectre. With animation 2nd and Drama third.
What was the top film in each of these genres?
Top Action film of 2016 was Rouge one, top Animation film was Finding Dorey, Comedy was Deadpool however this also link into the genre of action.

How do audiences hear about films?
Audiences hear about films through many different ways, for example a big method of advertisement is social media by posting tweets and teaser trailers on social media networks they are quickly distributed and viewed by thousands. The main actresses and actors in the film may also post on their personal social media pages which fans can then talk about and build hype and excitement around the new film.  Other ways are through trailers seen at the being of other films in the cinema. Posters and TV advertisement also allows the audience to hear about films.

Do audiences prefer US, UK or other nationality films?
The most popular nationality that produce films is the US.

Do audiences like 3D films?
3D films have been a discussion of much debate stating that audiences either love or hate the 3D film experience. Most people would rather see a film in 2D however when it comes to big blockbuster action audiences do like to see it in 3D .

What other ways to audiences watch film aside from the cinema?
Audiences watch films via DVD and Blueray as well as online websites and Catch up and iplayer programmes on TV.

Who do audiences go to the cinema with?
Audiences usually attend the cinema with friends and family which also are interested in that particular film they are watching.

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